Papayas are sweet in taste, pear-shaped, bright, exotic fruits that you will find easily in market. Papaya is also famous as ”The Fruit of Angles”. It is rich of antioxidants, fiber, Vitamin C that prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries.
Papaya is very light to digest and provide relief to your stomach in all kind of abnormalities Papaya is normally available throughout the year. Papaya contains pa-pain , an enzyme that helps digestion proteins and keep away from gestic problem.
Papaya is best for skin care as it works to provide you glowing and healthy skin. It can be used as a face-pack and helps to get rid of skin and acne infections as it helps to open clogged pores. Papaya is a herbal medicine. Papaya is also high in water and fiber content, both of which help to prevent promote and constipation regularity and healthy digestive tract.
Papaya contains a chemical called car-pain which seems to be able to kill certain parasites, and it might affect the central nervous system. It also contains calcium and potassium which are important component of body and cell fluid. Papaya can help regulate the flow of stress hormones in rats. Papaya is a rich source of flavonoids and carotene. It can also help to improve healing from burn and lower the inflammation.