Exercise-96: Utthita janu sirshasana (The standing head between the knee pose)
- Stand erect with your feet 2 to 3 feet apart.
- Extend the arms straight in front of the chest.
- Bend forward and clasp the hands behind the lower legs.
- Bring the head as far as possible into the space between the knees while keeping the legs straight.
- Inhale deeply and exhale fully before bending.
- Retain the breath outside while bending.
- Inhale after returning to the erect position.
As a counter pose to backward bending poses.
Not to be practiced by sufferers of sciatica, sacral infections, chronic arthritis or slipped disc.
- This asana stimulates the pancreas and relaxes the hip joints and hamstring muscles.
- It massages the spinal nerves and brings a rich supply of blood to the brain curbing tiredness, yawning and lethargy.
Utthita janu sirshasana (variation)
- Stand erect with your feet 2 to 3 feet apart.
- Bend the legs slightly at the knees.
- Repeat the forward bending movement as described for utthita janu sirshasana.
- Wrap the arms around the back of the legs so that they are horizontal, the elbows pointing sideways.
- Keeping the legs bent, try to bring the hands forward between the legs and clasp them behind the back of the head.
- Consciously relax the back muscles.
- Then slowly and gently try to straighten the legs, keeping the hands behind the head.
- Do not strain.
- Hold the final pose for a short time and then release by bending the legs.
- Repeat as desired.
- Breathe out as you straighten the legs.
- Hold the breath or try to breathe normally in the final pose, depending on how long you remain in it.
- Breathe in as you bend the legs and release the final pose by bending the legs.
This more intense form of utthita janu sirshasana is sometimes known as utthan asana.