Tag Archives: weight-loss
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Exercise-54: Marjariasana Sit in vajrasana. Place both hands flat on the floor in front beneath the...
Execise-75: Dhanurasana (The bow pose) Lie flat on the stomach and inhale fully. Bend the knees...
Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
All other details as for paschimottanasana. Exercise-91: Ardha padma paschimottanasana (The half lotus back stretching pose)...
Nataraja Asana Variations
Variation-1: (Lord Shiva’s pose) full form This is exactly the same as the preparatory form except...
Santulana Parvatasana
Exercise-123: Santulana parvatasana (The balancing mountain pose) Sit in padmasana. Gaze at a fixed point. Using...
Druta Halasana
Exercise-114: Druta halasana (The dynamic plough pose) Lie on the back with the arms straight and...
Uddiyana Bandha
Uddiyana bandha (The abdominal retraction lock) Sit in a meditative pose, so that the knees rest...
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Nadi shodhana (The psychic-network purification) Sit in any of the meditative poses such as padmasana, siddhasana,...
Pre-Pranayama Exercises
It is imperative to cleanse the breathing organs of stale air that collect in the lower...
Can Too Much Fruit Stall Weight Loss?
Fructose, the sugar in the natural product (fruit), can lead to weight gain if you eat...