
Brain-Eating Ameba Came From Faucet

N. fowleri regularly connected with lakes, ponds, and rivers. Two current cases of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) show that municipal… Read More

April 25, 2017

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh grows in open woods at the edges of dense forests from Ontario, Canada to Tennessee and west to… Read More

February 7, 2017

Patent Ductus

WHAT IS PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSIS (PDA)? Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart disease that frequently escapes detection until… Read More

March 19, 2016

Heart Attack

HEART ATTACK / ANGINA PAIN / CORONARY HEART DISEASE Heart is one of the most important organs of the body… Read More

February 22, 2016

What should I do to control the urge to Smoke?

Nicotine in tobacco causes a craving in the smoker, more so when he/she sees other smokers. To control that craving:… Read More

May 9, 2015

Quitting Smoking – Understand how to deal with nicotine addiction

Nicotine addiction and the resultant withdrawal symptoms are the main hindrance in quitting smoking. Smokers can successfully quit if they… Read More

May 9, 2015

What steps do I need to take before attempting to quit smoking?

A smoker needs to understand the likely effects of quitting smoking before deciding to do so. He/she must: Make a… Read More

May 9, 2015

What are the ill effects of smoking and how can I stop smoking?

Smoking and tobacco-related health complications are the single largest cause of preventable, premature death. Cigarette smoking and tobacco use are… Read More

May 9, 2015