Share Too Much TV May Take Years Off Your Life The reason, specialists say, may be that people eat more, move less when in front of...Read More Healthy Living
Share Using the Food Pyramid and the Healthy Eating Guidelines Eating healthy food and being physically dynamic are two of the most critical steps that you...Read More Diet & Nutrition
Share Take a Mental Vacation Now that summer has officially started, you are possibly thinking about, or even planning, a summer...Read More Healthy Living
Share Yoga for the Beginners Group This is the group for people who have never practiced yoga before, who are weak and...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Yoga Guide and its Benefits Yoga means the experience of oneness or unity with your inner being. This unity comes from...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Importance of Water in Our Health Did you know that your weight is about 60 percent water? Your body uses water in...Read More Health Education