Share Ardha Shalabhasana Exercise- 73: Ardha shalabhasana (The half locust pose) Lie flat on the stomach with the hands...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Poorna Bhujangasana Exercise-71: Poorna bhujangasana (the full cobra pose) Assume the posture for bhujangasana, bend the knees and...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Parvatasana Position-5: Parvatasana (The Mountain Posture) Straighten the left leg and place the left foot beside the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Hasta pada angushthasana Exercise-94: Hasta pada angushthasana (the finger to toe stretch pose) Lie on the left side with...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Sirsha angustha yogasana Exercise-92:Sirsha angustha yogasana (The head to toe pose) Stand erect with your feet about 3 feet...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Pada prasar paschimottanasana Exercise-89: Pada prasar paschimottanasana (the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Neck Movement Exercise -16: Neck movement (i) Assume base position Slowly move head backwards and forwards- touching the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Full Butterfly Exercise-9: Full butterfly (i) Beginers Assume base position and bring soles of the feet together. Move...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Degenerative Disc Disease WHAT IS A SPINAL DISC? The spine provides axis to the whole body and the anatomy...Read More Health Education
Share Forward Bending Asanas Benefits FORWARD BENDING ASANAS This group of asanas is very important for stretching and toning the spinal...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Spinal Twist Asanas SPINAL TWIST ASANAS The few asanas in this section supplement the backward and forward bending asanas....Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Surya Namaskara Surya Namaskara A SPECIAL SET OF EXERCISES- NOT PART OF THE BASIC YOGIC EXERCISES Surya namaskara...Read More Yoga-Exercises