blood circulation

Nauka Sanchalana

Exercise -22: Nauka sanchalana Assume a sitting position with legs outstretched in front. Keeping the legs together, move your arms… Read More

December 10, 2018


Exercise-69: Dolasana Stand erect with feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Raise the arms and interlock the fingers behind the… Read More

November 30, 2018


Exercise-66: Samakonasana Stand with feet together and arms at the sides. Raise the arms straight up with fingers pointing forward.… Read More

November 18, 2018


Exercise-65: Utthanasana Stand erect with the feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Interlock the fingers in front of the waist… Read More

November 16, 2018


SUBSIDIARY MEDITATIVE ASANAS Exercise-50: Vajrasana Stand on the knees with feet stretched backward and big toes crossed. Hold knees together… Read More

October 19, 2018


Exercise-85: Prishthasana (The back pose) Stand erect with the feet about 12 inches apart. Raise the arms over the head.… Read More

October 5, 2018


Exercise-72: Shalabhasana (The locust pose) Lie on the stomach with hands under the thighs, palms facing downward. Stretch the legs… Read More

September 9, 2018

Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana

All other details as for paschimottanasana. Exercise-91: Ardha padma paschimottanasana (The half lotus back stretching pose) Place one foot on… Read More

July 15, 2018

Santulana Parvatasana

Exercise-123: Santulana parvatasana (The balancing mountain pose) Sit in padmasana. Gaze at a fixed point. Using the hands for support,… Read More

June 17, 2018


Exercise-119: Bakasana (The crane pose) Stand erect with the feet together and arms raised above the head. Bend the body… Read More

June 9, 2018

Padma Sarvangasana

All other details as given for sarvangasana. PADMA SARVANGASANA Exercise-111: Padma sarvangasana (The shoulder stand lotus pose) Perform sarvangasana. In… Read More

May 24, 2018


Exercise-104: Sirshasana (the headstand pose) Sit in vajrasana. Bend forward and place the forearms on the ground with fingers inter-twined… Read More

May 14, 2018