Ayurvedic remedies for Asthma

As a parent what can I do towards early detection of asthma in my child?

Asthma is considered one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood and there is no cure. The best that… Read More

February 25, 2016

Can Asthma Attack Be Prevented?

Does Self Help / Healing Have Any Importance In Asthma Treatment? No disease can be treated without the active participation… Read More

February 24, 2016

Do emotions also play any role in asthma?

Every disease is affected by the emotional condition of the patient. Asthma is also influenced by certain emotions such as… Read More

February 24, 2016

What can I do to control Asthma?

Asthma as it is, especially in children, is a distressing disease. Asthma can be better managed with some simple measures.… Read More

February 24, 2016

What are the natural remedies available for Asthma?

Most asthma sufferers are familiar with the inhalers and oral remedies prescribed by their doctors for the treatment of wheezing,… Read More

February 23, 2016

How Can Asthma Be Treated?

Asthma is considered incurable but can be managed. The best natural asthma treatment is to stay away from the triggers… Read More

February 22, 2016

Can Asthma Be Controlled?

Yes, with good control almost all people can lead normal, active lives. Control medication on a regular basis helps prevent… Read More

February 22, 2016

At what age is an individual prone to develop Asthma?

Asthma is generally more common in children. Although anyone may have an attack, it most commonly occurs in the following… Read More

February 22, 2016

Can Asthma attack be triggered by exercise?

This is a fairly common question and in almost every case it is a good idea to exercise even if… Read More

February 21, 2016

What Triggers Asthma Attack?

No matter what asthma medication or asthma treatments you are using, reducing the negative effects of asthma relies on avoiding… Read More

February 21, 2016

Causes of Asthma

The most common causes of asthma is environmental pollution. Exposure to the environment of cotton and flour dust, smoke, smoke,… Read More

February 20, 2016

How can I detect that I am likely to have an Asthma attack?

Asthma reduces and constricts the airways as a result of which the patient suffers from a normal way of breathing.… Read More

February 20, 2016