Health Education

Quitting Smoking – Understand how to deal with nicotine addiction

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Nicotine addiction and the resultant withdrawal symptoms are the main hindrance in quitting smoking. Smokers can successfully quit if they understand how to deal with their nicotine addiction. Support of the family members and friends of smokers is very important. Smokers should:

  • learn a relaxation technique to cope with their stress
  • get support from health professionals
  • Get family and friends support
  • change the behaviour and habits that are associated with smoking.

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Most long-term smokers are addicted to nicotine and will experience a craving to smoke and withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop smoking. Such individuals find it very difficult to give up their smoking habit. They, with the help of health professionals can make use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to quit smoking. But the majority of smokers can give up without any help from health professionals or drug therapy.

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Sharat Sharma

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Published by
Sharat Sharma