Categories: Yoga-Exercises

Pada hastasana

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Exercise-93: Pada hastasana (The forward bending pose)

  • Stand erect with the hands beside the body.
  • Slowly bend the head forward, then the upper trunk and the lower trunk.
  • The body should bend forward as though there are no muscles in the back.
  • Place the fingers underneath the toes or touch the ground with the palms to the fingertips. If this is difficult then bring the fingertips as near to the ground as possible.
  • Try to bring the forehead to the knees.
  • Maintain this pose up to 1 minute then slowly return to the starting position.


Important Points-

  • Keep the legs straight throughout the movement.
  • Do not strain the hamstring muscles at the back of the legs, or the back muscles by forcing the body to bend too far forward.


  • Exhale as you bend forward.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply in the final pose.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting point.

On relaxing the back muscles or on the breath. Pada hastasana (dynamic form)


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  • Assume the standing position.
  • Raise your arms above the head and lean the trunk backward.
  • Bend forward and touch the hands to the floor.
  • Remain in the bent position for one or two seconds and then return to the upright pose.
  • Repeat as many times as possible without exhaustion


  • Exhale as you bend forward.
  • Retain the breath outside in the bent position.
  • Inhale as you resume the starting position.

Limitations (for both forms)-
Not recommended for people with serious back ailments.

Benefits (for both forms)-

  • Removes excess fat, particularly if done dynami­cally.
  • Eliminates flatulence, constipation and indi­gestion.
  • Makes the spinal column and back muscles loose and supple.
  • All the spinal nerves are stimulated and toned and the body metabolism is speeded up.
  • Influences the sexual organs, removing sexual ailments and prepares for trouble-free childbirth.
  • Improves the elimination of waste matter from the body and so reduces the likelihood of disease.
  • It directs a good flow of blood to the brain and facial organs.


This useful asana can be practiced at any time of day. It is a standing version of paschimottanasana.



Forward Bending Asanas Benefits

Sharat Sharma

To keep my friends and readers Healthy, I love to write and share articles on Fruits, Vegetables, Yoga Exercise and more. Importantly, I always promote natural remedies to keep your body healthy.

Published by
Sharat Sharma