Health Education

How Can Asthma Be Treated?

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Asthma is considered incurable but can be managed. The best natural asthma treatment is to stay away from the triggers that bring on attacks. These triggers, or causes of asthma, include smoking, certain plants, and fungi, extremes in hot or cold air as well as many others. It all depends on the severity of the person’s asthma but staying away from the causes of asthma is the best natural asthma treatment.

If smoking tends to trigger an asthma attack, you’ll want to refrain from smoking, of course, but you’ll also want to refrain from breathing in secondhand smoke. If a person you live with smokes, ask them to do it outside or in a separate room with plenty of ventilation. If extremes in temperature, such as cold air, bring about an attack, you’ll want to refrain from cold air activities, such as skiing or sledding. The natural asthma treatment of staying away from activities and locations that bring upon attacks may take some getting used to but it’s worth it when you consider your health, and possibly your life, is at risk. You likely know what things bring an attack on and refraining from those things can save your life.

In regards to the asthma treatment that is available today, there are basic steps that are advised by most physicians in order to attempt to at least avoid attacks, which are: clean the house at least once a week, avoid any pets with fur or feathers, wash the bedding weekly in hot water, encase the mattress and pillows in dust-proof covers, consider replacing any upholstered furniture with leather or vinyl, consider replacing carpets in your home with hardwood floors or tile, and remember to keep the humidity in the house as low as you possibly can.

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The most important form of asthma treatment is for asthmatics to take their proper medications properly and as prescribed. Asthma treatment in relation to this involves the monitoring of lung function, especially with the use of that of a peak flow meter, which is used to gauge lung function. This is incredibly important because lung function decreases dramatically before the actual symptoms of an asthma attack, and if the meter results in indicating that the peak flow is down by 20 percent or more from your usual best effort, then generally an asthma attack is on its way.

There are also anti-inflammatory drugs that are often used, and which work by reducing the number of inflammatory cells in the airways and by preventing blood vessels from leaking any fluid into the airway tissues. However, the unfortunate part of this is that there are some people who cannot control the symptoms of asthma even when avoiding the triggers and using the proper medication, and for these people, there is the option of immunotherapy. This type of therapy involves the injection of allergen extracts in order to desensitize the person, and this treatment, in particular, begins with injections of a solution of allergen given typically five times a week to start, and then the strength will be gradually increased as time goes on.

Herbal and homeopathic asthma treatments are also considered as being quite positive, and depending on the severity of asthma itself in the person, herbal and homeopathic treatments can reduce or even eliminate the need for synthetic drugs, and even inhalers and they can also safely be used to complement the normal ALLOPATHIC TREATMENT.

Sharat Sharma

To keep my friends and readers Healthy, I love to write and share articles on Fruits, Vegetables, Yoga Exercise and more. Importantly, I always promote natural remedies to keep your body healthy.