Categories: Healthy Living

Drunk Driving-Related Deaths Surge During the Holidays

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Alcohol affects judgement and coordination long before people appear to be intoxicated, specialists say.

During the holidays, alcohol-related road accidents claim more lives than at any other time of the year, according to U.S. government specialists.

The U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recent reports that about 40 percent of traffic-related deaths during New Year’s and Christmas include drunk drivers— a 12 percent increase over the rest of the month of December.

Facing these troubling statistics, the NIAAA issued a warning that more awareness is needed on the impacts of alcohol on the body, and how long alcohol can remain in a man’s system. The agency offered the following information on the impacts of alcohol to clear up some normal misconceptions:

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    • Alcohol acts quickly. Alcohol interferes with individuals coordination, judgement, driving skills and well before physical signs of drunkenness appear. The NIAAA pointed out that people should not be deceived by the initial surge in excitement or vitality alcohol might trigger. Proceeded with alcohol consumption can prolong response time and can cause people to lose control and become aggressive, making driving safely much more troublesome.
    • Alcohol’s belongings last. Alcohol continues to enter the bloodstream and affect the body and brain for hours after consumption. Driving late at night compounds the sedative impacts of alcohol because people are actually more tired at night. Driving capacities may continue to be impaired the morning after a night of drinking.

    • Coffee doesn’t help.Caffeine does not help reduce the effects of alcohol on people’s coordination or capacity to make good judgment. Only time will allow the body to metabolize or break down alcohol and return to usual.

    The NIAAA reasoned that people should not have more than one alcoholic drink every hour and every other drink should be a nonalcoholic one.

    The specialists recommend that people attending parties should consider the devastating effects a fatal crash could have and designate a driver who has not consumed any alcohol.

    Sharat Sharma

    To keep my friends and readers Healthy, I love to write and share articles on Fruits, Vegetables, Yoga Exercise and more. Importantly, I always promote natural remedies to keep your body healthy.

    Published by
    Sharat Sharma