Share Ananda Madirasana Exercise-51: Ananda madirasana Sit in vajrasana. Place hands on the heels with palms facing downwards. Keep...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Vajrasana SUBSIDIARY MEDITATIVE ASANAS Exercise-50: Vajrasana Stand on the knees with feet stretched backward and big toes...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Sidha Yoni Asana Exercise-48: Sidha Yoni asana (for women only) Sit with the legs extended forward. Fold the right...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Sidhasana Exercise-47: Sidhasana (For men only) Sit with the legs extended forward. Fold the right leg and...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Padamasana CLASSICAL MEDITATIVE ASANAS Exercise-46: Padamasana Sit with the legs extended forward. Fold one leg and place...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Ardha Padamasana Exercise-45: Ardha padamasana (the half lotus pose) Sit with feet stretched in front of the body....Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Sukhasana Exercise-44: Sukhasana (the easy pose) Sit with the legs stretched in front of the body. Fold...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Gomukhasana EXERCISE-86: Gomukhasana (The cow face pose) Assume a sitting position, legs out-stretched. Fold the left leg...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Prishthasana Exercise-85: Prishthasana (The back pose) Stand erect with the feet about 12 inches apart. Raise the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Chakrasana Exercise-84: Chakrasana (the wheel pose) Lie flat on the back with knees bent and the heels...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Utthan Prishthasana Exercise-83: Utthan prishthasana (The lizard pose) Lie flat on the stomach with the arms crossed under...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Ardha Chandrasana Exercise- 82: Ardha chandrasana (The crescent moon pose) Stand on the knees with legs together and...Read More Yoga-Exercises