Share Matsaya Kridasana Exercise-38: Matsaya Kridasana (The flapping fish pose) Lie on the stomach with fingers interlocked under the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Makrasana Exercise-37: Makrasana (crocodile posture) Lie flat on the stomach. Raise the head and shoulders and rest...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Advasana Exercise-36: Advasana (the reversed corpse posture) Lie flat on the stomach. Stretch both arms forward on...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Shavasana Exercise-35: Shavasana (the corpse posture) Lie flat on the floor with arms on the side and...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Dolasana Exercise-69: Dolasana Stand erect with feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Raise the arms and interlock...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Trikonasana Variation-4 Stand erect with feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Extend the arms horizontally to the sides....Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Trikonasana Variation-3 Stand with the feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Hold the wrist of the left hand...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Trikonasana Variation-2 Stand with feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Place the left palm on the side of...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Trikonasana TRIKONASANA Exercise-68: Trikonasana Stand erect with feet about 3 feet apart. Raise the arms sideways to...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Dwi Konasana Exercise-67: Dwi konasana Stand erect on a bare floor with the feet together. Extend the arms...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Samakonasana Exercise-66: Samakonasana Stand with feet together and arms at the sides. Raise the arms straight up...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Utthanasana Exercise-65: Utthanasana Stand erect with the feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Interlock the fingers in...Read More Yoga-Exercises