
Jalandhra Bandha

Jalandhara bandha (The chin lock) Sit in any of the meditative poses which allow the knees to firmly touch the… Read More

May 6, 2018

Wrist Joint Rotation

Exercise-13: Wrist joint rotation Stay in same position as in exercise 12 with only right hand extended. Clench right fist… Read More

May 6, 2018

Hand Clenching

Exercise-11: Hand clenching Hold arms straight in front of the body in a horizontal plane as the shoulders. Stretch and… Read More

May 5, 2018

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Nadi shodhana (The psychic-network purification) Sit in any of the meditative poses such as padmasana, siddhasana, sukhasana, etc., but not… Read More

May 4, 2018

Crow Walking

Exercise-10: Crow walking Squat on the floor. Place palms of the knees and begin to walk in the squatting position.… Read More

May 4, 2018

Full Butterfly

Exercise-9: Full butterfly (i) Beginers Assume base position and bring soles of the feet together. Move heels as close to… Read More

May 3, 2018

Pre-Pranayama Exercises

It is imperative to cleanse the breathing organs of stale air that collect in the lower portions of the lungs.… Read More

May 2, 2018

Knee Rotation

Exercise-8: Knee rotation Remain in the same position as exercise 7. Hold the right foot with the left hand. Rotate… Read More

May 2, 2018

Half Butterfly

Exercise-7: Half butterfly Place right foot on the left thigh after folding the right leg. Place left hand on the… Read More

May 1, 2018

Body cleansing procedure through Dhauti

Dhauti refers to the general techniques for cleansing different body parts and there different types of dhauti for different parts.… Read More

April 30, 2018