Healthy Living

Benefits Of Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important part of the day. There is much lengthy gap between the the dinner in night… Read More

April 13, 2015

How Much Water you should intake?

There are no hard and fast rule, and many people meet their daily hydration needs just drinking water when thirsty,… Read More

April 2, 2015

Water keeps you from getting Dehydrated

Your body loses fluids when participating in strenuous exercise, high temperature sweat, or down with fever or illness that causes… Read More

April 2, 2015

Water helps with digestion

Digestion begins with the saliva, the base is water. Depends digestive enzymes found in saliva to help break down food… Read More

April 2, 2015

Water helps your body eliminate waste

Adequate intake of water allows your body to excrete waste through sweat, urine and defecation. The kidneys and liver are… Read More

April 2, 2015