Healthy Living

6 Little Ways to Cut Your Cell Phone Cancer Risk

Does the World Health Organisation's declaration that cell phones may cause cancer have you thinking twice about making that cell… Read More

April 12, 2017

4 Way to Boost Women’s Health

To look and feel your best at each age, it’s important to settle smart lifestyle and health choices. Here are… Read More

April 11, 2017

3 Ways Technology Affects Your Eyes

Whether it's for play or work, numerous people spend hours a day reading on e-readers, texting, messaging  on smartphones, playing… Read More

April 10, 2017

Yawning May Help the Brain Chill Out

The motivation of yawning is hotly debated, but recent review suggests people yawn to cool the brain. Yawning may be… Read More

April 3, 2017

Too Much TV May Take Years Off Your Life

The reason, specialists say, may be that people eat more, move less when in front of the tube. Sitting in… Read More

April 1, 2017

Health Benefits Of Peppermint

Peppermint, or mentha Piperita, is a herb with numerous uses and therapeutic applications. It's sharp menthol odor, cooling sensation, and… Read More

March 31, 2017

The Best States for Your Brain

Where you live may have a bigger effect on your brain health than you thought. Discover where your state positions… Read More

March 29, 2017

Cell Phones Affect Brain Activity

While population-based reviews haven't prompted conclusive findings about the connection between cell phones and brain cancer, another review shows that… Read More

March 28, 2017

Walking Helps Heart and Brain

Aerobic exercise is known to profit the heart, but specialists say that an aerobic workout may also build brain. General… Read More

March 27, 2017

Tap Into Beer’s Health Benefits

Beer drinkers, take note: Your most loved pint may be healthier than you realize. When it comes to good-for-you happy… Read More

March 26, 2017