Ayurveda Mouth Care Tips

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Mouth Care

It is said that a clean mouth is a healthy mouth. Pleasant breath, clean teeth and healthy gums all contribute to a beautiful smile.

Bad breath is usually a sign of poor digestion, which is why cleaning the teeth or using mouth gargles only relieves the problem temporarily. To permanently eliminate bad breath the eating habits or diet should be monitored. Fasting for a day, and then adopting a light, easily digestible diet can eliminate this problem.

Consuming aloe Vera gel, or ginger and lemon juice, also helps improve digestion. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of mint, or chewing parsley or basil leaves can improve breath.


Healthy teeth are white, evenly spaced, level and clean. Unhealthy teeth are discolored, uneven, and are present in greater or less than the normal number.

Teeth problems occur due to poor diet or bad eating habits, tobacco, tea, coffee, sweet and sticky foods (sweets, chocolates, raisins) and very cold or hot food can lead to discoloration or decay.

1. Ayurveda emphasizes on cleaning the teeth twice daily, in the morning and evening.

2. After eating it is necessary to rinse and gargle to remove food particles that may be stuck between teeth.

3. Eating hard, crunchy fruits and vegetables (Apples, carrots) is good for the teeth.

Discolored Teeth:

For discolored teeth salt mixed with lime or lemon juice to brush the teeth.


To ease toothache, apply a couple of drops of cinnamon or clove oil to the base of the aching tooth.


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Healthy gums are red, regular, compact and hard while unhealthy gums are spongy, dark red or very pale and may bleed.

1. Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime), guavas or pomegranates should be included in the diet to ensure healthy gums as these fruits contain large quantities of vitamin C.

2. Massaging the gums daily with a mixture of salt, black pepper, turmeric and sesame oil is also beneficial.


The internal conditions of the digestive system is reflected by the tongue. According to ayurveda the condition of coating on the tongue determines physical disorders that may be present while a mucus like coating on the tongue demonstrates the presence of Ama (a toxic byproduct of poor digestion or improper eating habits).

Ayurvedic oral hygiene includes:

Cleaning the teeth and tongue daily with specially designed metal tongue scraper and gentle use of toothbrush.

Chapped or cracked Lips

Lips are sensitive to sunlight, and dry out easily in cold, windy weather and in heated rooms. Underlying illnesses such as anemia, deficiency of vitamin A, B and C, infections, certain drugs, dehydration, frequent use of soaps and other chemicals, smoking, elderly people who worn dentures or teeth missing are more prone to the problem.

1. Apply petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline.

2. Mix honey with milk cream and apply.

3. Put some aloe vera gel on your lips.

4. Apply neem leaf extract on your lips.

5. Rub cucumber slice on your lips.

6. Try to stop licking your lips.

Sharat Sharma

To keep my friends and readers Healthy, I love to write and share articles on Fruits, Vegetables, Yoga Exercise and more. Importantly, I always promote natural remedies to keep your body healthy.