Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Position-4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (The Equestrian Posture)
- Stretch the right leg as far back as possible.
- At the same time bend the left knee while keeping the left foot in the same position.
- The arms should remain straight and in the same position.
- In the final position the weight of the body should be supported by the two hands, the left foot, the right knee and toes of the right foot.
- The head should be tilted backward, back arched and the gaze directed upwards.
Breathing- Inhale while stretching the right leg backward.
Mantra-Om Bhanave Namah (Salutations to He who illuminates).
- Massages the abdominal organs and improves their functioning.
- Strengthens leg muscles.
- Helps in attaining nervous balance.
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