Categories: Diet & Nutrition

4 Cups of Coffee a Day Can Be Deadly

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Youngsters who drink 28 cups of coffee or increasingly seven days are at a 50 percent increased risk of dying, as per another review.

Many individuals require coffee in the morning to get through the day, but if you are young, you may need to watch how much you drink, according to another review in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings. specialist from the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina found that individuals less than 55 years old who drink 4 or more cups of coffee every day faced a 50 percent higher mortality rate – and experts say that anybody drinking that much coffee needs to cut back.

Specialists looked at data on more than 43,000 individuals who answered survey questions on lifestyle habits and personal and family medical history between 1979 and 1998, and found that over the next 17 years, 2,512 people died. Young, heavy coffee drinkers were more likely to die than those who did not drink as much coffee, as per the review.

“A positive association between heavy coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was observed in the total population of women and men more youthful than 55 years,” the specialists, led by Junxiu Liu, MD, a scientist in the department of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of South Carolina, wrote in the study. “However, for individuals 55 years and older, this association was not statistically significant for either sex. Hence, it may be suitable to recommend that younger individual, in particular, avoid heavy coffee consumption.”

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The scientists said it’s unclear why older people did not feel the impacts of too much coffee. Younger individuals, however, are likely succumbing not only to the impacts of the coffee, but to other poor health habits they have as well, said Rebecca- Solomon, a clinical nutritionist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

“Heavy caffeine users also have other vices that they cling to,” Solomon said, “for example, smoking and excess drinking. The other thing about caffeine is that it can dehydrate you. If these individuals are not drinking water, it could also contribute to these negative result.”
In addition, somebody who drinks 28 cups of coffee every week likely has poor sleep habits as well,she said.

“Somebody drinking that much coffee isn’t getting enough sleep, I think that’s obvious,” Solomon said. “There are tons of studies that show that a lack of sleep can cause obesity, cardiovascular disease and other health problems.”

And even though caffeine can have some health benefits, for example, reducing the risk of breast cancer, Parkinson’s disease and alleviating depression, Solomon said it’s important to remember that caffeine is a drug.

Sharat Sharma

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Published by
Sharat Sharma